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Energy requirements: пример Швейцарии

Report by the Federal Council

Source: Novatlantis, Leichter Leben, 2004

In its report on 'Strategy for Sustainable Development 2002' (Swiss Federal Council, March 2002, p. 24), the Federal Council says:-

The 2000-watt society is a scenario for setting energy and climate policy objectives. In the long term, it would mean a sustained reduction in greenhouse gases (primarily CO2) to one ton per head of population, with consumption of 500 watts per head from fossil energy sources and 1500 watts per head from renewable energy sources.
The Federal Council will strive to attain this objective over coming decades. Towards that end, the Federal Council endorses further investigations by an internal Federal working group charged with formulating intermediate targets and studying accountability and deadlines.

Primary energy consumption in Switzerland (excluding grey energy) currently stands at 5000 watts per head. The chart visualises one possible trend towards the 2000-watt society.

Source: Novatlantis, Leichter Leben, 2004